Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A few pictures from Easter

We had snow in Toronto during the week before Easter, but right in time for the Easter celebration all the snow melted away and the sun came back out again.

All dressed up for church on Easter Sunday. I love the spring weather and being able to skip wearing a coat!

We did some fasting the week before Easter and ate a simple diet of only beans and rice. We like to do this every year in our family and then give away the money we save on food that week to an organization that helps provide people with food or clean water around the world. A week of fasting is also a good reminder of how privileged lives we live, and that there is always room for more cuts to our lifestyle that could help someone else.

We had family over for dinner on Easter Sunday and we got to enjoy a very tasty Jamaican dinner with Canadian cookies&cream cheesecake for dessert.

I also managed to overdose on these little chocolate eggs during our Easter celebration. I can't believe how addictive this stuff is! I think it's time to get back to some more healthy eating now again as Easter is over. Green juices here I come! :)

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