Tuesday, February 16, 2016


We have all said and done things in life that we deeply regret and maybe we even have entire seasons of life that we wish we could erase. We've all gone through things in life that have left us feeling ashamed, worthless and filled with sorrow and disappointment. Sometimes experiences like these can cause our hopes and dreams to die and make us fearful of the future.

The amazing news in the gospel is that no matter what we've been through, no matter what we have done in life nothing is too dark for God to handle. When we come to God he offers us forgiveness for every single mistake we have done in life, big or small. He wipes our past clean and lets us start over, we get a new life. When we let God into our hearts he starts transforming every single part of our lives and makes everything new, there is nothing that he can't fix or heal or restore. Our past will no longer define us, our mistakes no longer get to define us, we have been given a new future. God is rewriting our story. He is working in all things for the good of those who love him.

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