Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Our garden

It wasn't more than a few weeks ago that we planted our garden and yesterday I was able to make my first smoothie of the summer with spinach from our garden. I love the joy and excitement that comes from growing your own little garden and experimenting with growing different things. The plan is to make the garden a little bit bigger each year, so that in the future we will be able to feed our kids lots of healthy organic vegetables. I'm hoping that the strawberries will be ripe for our Scandinavian Midsummer's Eve celebration in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of gardening and the homeless, I found this amazing non-profit in Austin, Texas called the Karpophoreo Project. It's a non-profit organization that will come and plant a garden for you in your backyard and then care for that garden on a weekly basis. All you need to do yourself is water the plants, the organization does the rest of the work. 50 % of the harvest from your garden stays with you and the other half will be sold on the farmer's market by the organization. 70% of the profit from the sales will be paid to the formerly homeless people who work as gardeners for the organization.

The workers are a mix of regular people who volunteer at the organization and formerly homeless people who work for a profit. I would love it if there was a non-profit similar to the Karpophoreo Project in Toronto where I could volunteer. If anyone has heard of something similar to this project being done in T.O., please let me know by commenting below.

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